P-Level Grading Requirements | P级别等级考试要求

Note: English follows Chinese below.


For students taking the exam, please be sure to read the KMG Student Code of Conduct. This behavior is expected of all graded students. Failure to abide by this code of conduct, especially for serious and repeated offenses, can result in expulsion from KMG.

Exam qualification requirements | 考试申请要求

  1. 学员必须在一家KMG中国的分校至少规律地训练了3-6个月。规律训练意味着每周上课。经常缺席或者很长一段时间不上课的学员(无论是因为工作、疾病或度假)将不被获准参加考试。
  2. 学员须人品端正,正直有礼。请仔细阅读《学生行为规范》
  3. 学员必须通过教练评估才可以申请考试。
  4. 学员须缴纳考试相关费用。
  1. Must have trained regularly for at least 3 to 6 months with a KMG China-affiliated school. Regular training means coming to class weekly. Students who are frequently absent or who are absent for a long period of time (whether for work, illness, or holiday) will not be accepted to exams.
  2. Must be of good moral standing and observe proper training etiquette. Please be sure to read the KMG Student Code of Conduct.
  3. Must have instructor approval.
  4. Must have paid relevant exam and membership fees.

Important Notes | 注意事项

  1. 有资格申请考试不代表一定可以通过考试。
  2. 满足最低训练课时不代表一定可以获得申请考试资格。如果你认真备考,我们希望你全力以赴,尽可能多地参训。
  3. 通过等级的学生不能马上报考下个等级考试。
  1. Qualifying for the exam DOES NOT guarantee passing the exam.
  2. Meeting the minimum requirements DOES NOT guarantee instructor approval. We ask everyone to put in their best effort at training if they are serious about taking the exam.
  3. Students are asked to take one exam at a time.

How to prepare for the P-Level exam | 准备P级别等级考试攻略

  1. 保持规律的训练。
  2. 如果不确定自己是否达到申请最低课时,联系您的老师询问考勤课时。
  3. 如果满足最低课时要求,获取您级别的考试细则,仔细阅读。如果对技能不太确定,请向教练请教。请记住:主动发问是你自己的责任。
  4. 关注课上所学,充分利用时间训练。重视提升技能,同时培养正确的训练思维。
  5. 尽早找到一个考试搭档。考前共同训练,熟悉对方的动作、攻击、持靶方式。建议你们多多熟悉彼此,一起训练,相互帮助,考出好成绩。
  6. 请注意只是知道技巧是不够的,考试过程中你需要展现你的努力成果。
  1. Come to training regularly.
  2. Confirm if you meet the attendance requirements with your school.
  3. If you meet the attendance requirements, request for the curriculum for your level. Review it and make sure you know all techniques. Ask your instructors if there are techniques that you are unsure about. Remember: It is your responsibility to approach your instructors and ask about things you do not know before the test.
  4. Pay attention to what is being taught in class, and make full use of the time given for drilling techniques. Focus on both improving technical details as well as developing the proper training mindset.
  5. Find a partner for the exam as early as possible. Start working with him or her so you can be familiar with how they move, attack, and hold pads before the exam. We advise that you work together, practice on your own together, and generally help each other do the best in the exam.
  6. Please note that it is not enough just to know techniques but you must also demonstrate effort throughout the exam.

考试常见问题 Exam FAQs

1. What is the P1 exam? What does it get me?

The P1 exam is the very first Practitioner level (P-level) grading under the KMG system. You will be tested on all strikes and techniques under the P1 curriculum (if you are taking the exam, please email us for P1 curriculum). These cover the most basic strikes and defenses for common attacks coming from the front. There are also some basic rolls and falls.

Passing a level exam is about cementing your abilities and growing in the system. It means you should be able to execute the strikes and defenses that you learned in this level with confidence, and react quickly and correctly if you are presented with the relevant problems/attacks. It also means you improve your understanding of the system, and the logic behind the techniques you are training. Finally, this also means you are maturing as a practitioner and a person, and bear the good training attitude, humility, and strength of character that is expected of KMG practitioners.

Under KMG China’s school, students who pass the exams are given access to the corresponding next level classes. In the international KMG community, passing a level means you will start at that level should you transfer to another school in our global network.




2. How long does will the exam be? Are there breaks? Do I have to stay the whole time?

The exams can range from anything from 3 hours to 5.5 hours. This largely depends on the number of people and the performance of the examinees.

There will be some short breaks (5 to 10 minutes), but otherwise examinees will be asked to perform techniques continuously for the whole time. Examinees must also stay for the whole duration of the exam, or else drop out of the test.



3. Why are the requirements so strict for P1?

All of our exams require months of preparation and training. We have the requirements in place because students simply cannot “wing it” during exams, as they will most certainly fail and very possibly even hurt the performance of their exam partner. While some students who have prepared for the exams have also failed in the past, we do not accept people who are completely unprepared as it is also a waste of the examiner’s time and a discourtesy to those who have actually worked hard to be there. We ask that if you are interested in taking our exams, you abide by our rules.

In KMG, P1 is when you are developing the self-defense mindset and attitude, and you are improving your understanding of the system. You are also laying the foundations in terms of skills and reactions, on which you will build the next level of techniques. Krav Maga is a progressive system, so if your P1 foundational techniques are rocky, your higher level techniques will only become sloppy later on.



4. I see there's a P2 and P3 exam on the schedule right after the P1 exam. Can I take P1 exam first, then immediately take the P2 exam that's slated in the next week/month?

No. There are no shortcuts to learning and developing the mentality for Krav Maga, especially on the primary grading levels. As such, we ask people to take exams one by one to ensure that they know each level’s techniques by heart. There are very rare occasions where we have allowed people to test multiple levels, however those individuals typically have been through special training circumstances or have trained with us regularly for several years before they took their exams. Members are asked to put in the proper amount of training time for each level exam, to ensure they earn their grades properly. If you pass your current exam, you will be given notice of the requirements for the next level of testing. Please note that requests for taking multiple level exams at once will not be entertained.


5. I just joined the club and I see I am too late to make it to the exam this time. What can I do?

Wait for the next exam. Take your time, start training, and try to make the requirements in time for next exam. Gradings are not about a race to collect certificates and higher “honors”: it is about genuine learning and growing as Krav Maga practitioner, and being the best person and practitioner you can be.


6. What if I don't want to take the exam? Can I still continue to attend classes?

Of course you can. While we do encourage people to take the exams and grow in the system, if you simply want to come and enjoy the regular open classes, you are most welcome to do so. We do not give members any pressure to grade, and we make the effort to help you learn the most in the open classes regardless of your plans (or non-plans) for training Krav Maga in the future.


7. I have a grade with another Krav Maga organization. Can I convert my grade to your system?

We cannot simply convert your current grade, but there is a possibility for you to test on a similar level and earn your grade by passing our level tests. There a few internationally-recognized organizations that share similar level curriculums with KMG. If you came from one such system (contact us to determine this), the head instructor will evaluate you for testing.

Typically, other organizations do not share our curriculum or testing standards. As such, it is advisable to first train regularly with us over a longer period of time to see what you may or may not know, and then contact us for evaluation for testing.



Video: P-Level Grading Exams

P1 Grading (China 9/2014)

Short video summarizing a 4-hour first level grading in China, from September 2014. For visitors outside mainland China, watch it here or see it on YouTube.

P-Level Grading (Russia 2013)

Grading of several P-levels in a KMG Russia school. For visitors outside mainland China, watch it here or see it on YouTube.